
Connect with Zapier

This is a how-to article explaining how to connect your GO Digital app in Zapier with other app.

With the GO Digital app for Zapier, you can connect with other apps and create amazing workflows based on triggers and actions. This article will guide you on how to get started.


Available triggers:

  • New Customer

  • New Task

  • New Note on Project

Available actions:

Nothing available for the moment

Set up your account at Zapier

If you don`t have a Zapier account, sign up by following this link go to zapier and create your account.

New Customer Example with Mailchimp Subscriber

  1. Start by clicking "Make a Zap" in the top right corner in your Zapier account

  2. Choose Goliath Systemer in the search box in step 1.

  3. Choose what trigger you want to use, in this case select "New Customer"

  4. And then click continue

  5. Now we need to select a Goliath Systemer account and then you will be asked to insert you API Key.

  6. You find this API Key in settings area in your Goliath Systemer account. Go to settings -> integrations -> integrations. Here you can copy your uniq API Key and past this in Zapier.

  7. Now the integration will be connected and you can Test trigger before continuing the set up.

  8. Now we want to search for Mailchimp and select this app

  9. Choose an Event - in this case we select "Add/Update Subscriber

  10. Then sign in to your Mailchimp Account and verify.

  11. A test will run to test the connection and if everything goes well, your Mailchimp subscriber register will in the feature always be up to date.